
Archive by date: 5/18/2020Return
Monday, May 18, 2020

Victoria Day - Statutory Holiday

Location:  National & Western Offices Closed
Description:  In the case of a workplace or health and safety emergency during the holiday period when Equity's offices are closed, please call the National Office 1-800-387-1856 (416-867-9165 in Toronto) and follow the "in case of emergency" instructions.

Newfoundland Equity Gathering (Online)

Location:  Newfoundland Equity Gathering (Online)
Description:  Atlantic Councillor Karen Bassett invites Newfoundland Equity members to a gathering via Zoom. We'll unite artists across the island, share resources, and gather inspiration from ingenious creativity in a physically restricted world. Council president Scott Bellis will join us from B.C. Truly a coaster to coaster! Raise a glass or a cup of tea on Victoria Day in Newfoundland. (Invitation sent via email).Time: 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. NT