
Archive by date: 4/9/2018Return
Monday, April 9, 2018

Edmonton Members Meeting

Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. MT
Location: Fringe Theatre, ATB Financial Arts Barns Building, 10330 – 84 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta
Description:      Equity members living and/or working in Edmonton and surrounding regions are invited to a regional membership meeting.

Come meet with colleagues and Alberta North/NWT Councillor Ian Leung to learn more about current Council initiatives - with a special emphasis on the Respectful Workspace Policy and Equity's Not in OUR Space! initiative, designed to address harassment and abuse in the workplace. Bring your ideas, suggestions and concerns - we want to hear from you.

Please RSVP your attendance to Ian Leung. If you have particular questions or issues you'd like to discuss, please include that in your email. 

Equity members: Please bring your up-to-date member card to show at the door. Equity members must be in good standing to attend.

It’s your Association. Come join the conversation!